A new challenge for AREVA Foundation: access to culture

News brief
copyright Musée du Quai Branly / Nicolas Borel

Culture conveys the values of liberty, tolerance and openness, which are deeply rooted in each person's memory and history. Access to culture is thus a major component of social awareness and social construction.

With the recent renewal of its mandate, AREVA Foundation has decided to broaden the scope of its activities to include culture, and more specifically access to culture for those for whom it is alien.

It has taken on new projects and decided to offer its support to the Quai Branly Museum and the Orange Rouge association.

The Foundation will fund a “roaming workshop” in association with the Quai Branly Museum. This temporary exhibit of its collections will be shown outside the museum’s walls in Cergy Pontoise, in the Ile de France region.

Key targets are young people, families, students and people from associations who are not normally attracted to culture for social, cultural or material reasons, or due to geographic isolation. 

Through its association with Orange Rouge, the AREVA Foundation supports 10 art workshops in junior high schools in educational priority areas of the Ile de France region. Recognized artists lead the workshops, which serve as an introduction to the arts, in partnership with the educational teams in charge of teenagers with difficulties.

AREVA Foundation is also renewing the longstanding partnership begun by the Group more than 10 years ago with the Guimet Museum.  It has funded the exhibition on tea in 2012 and provides support to educational workshops held for children in the museum and the special training offered to social workers.