Update on the SOCATRI incident - Lakes and domestic wells uncontaminated (3h30 pm)

Press release

Lakes and domestic wells uncontaminated

Analysis of the samples taken following the incident at the SOCATRI plant’s effluent treatment station on the Tricastin site have confirmed that the nearby lakes, popular with swimmers, and domestic wells are free of contamination.

According to the latest measurements, the amount of natural uranium released into the environment appears limited to 74 kg. By way of comparison, this represents 0.1% of the 70 tons of natural uranium that flow along the Rhône every year.

An information bulletin issued by the Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) estimates that the radiological consequences of the incident for the public should be negligible.

Environmental measurements are continuing. The IRSN will be publishing the results on its website (http://www.irsn.org/).

A police enquiry has also been launched.

SOCATRI will issue regular updates as the situation develops.

Press contact :

Catherine Dalverny
06 89 09 64 51
Gilles Salgas
06 77 02 15 32