Social and environnemental rating by Innovest: AREVA rated A

News brief

At AREVA's request, the investment research and advisory firm Innovest performed a social and environmental assessment. AREVA received a rating of A on a scale of CCC to AAA.

The assessment places the group above the BBB average in its reference sector (Electrical Equipment according to the Standard & Poors' classification - GICS 201040). The rating gives socially responsible investment funds (SRI) a better understanding of AREVA's sustainable development programs and favors the company's inclusion in that type of portfolio.

The Innovest rating is based on an assessment of performance and strategies along four lines: strategic governance, the environment, human capital and stakeholder relations. In performing the assessment, Innovest judges the corporation's capacity for creating sustainable value for the investor over the medium to long term.


Founded in 1995 with the mission of identifying non-traditional sources of risk and value potential for investors, Innovest Strategic Value Advisors is an internationally recognized investment research and advisory firm specializing in analyzing companies' performance on environmental, social, and strategic governance issues, with a particular focus on their impact on competitiveness, profitability, and share price performance. Innovest has been ranked the world’s leading sustainable development research firm by several independent assessments, including those of Deloitte & Touche, ERM, Dames & Moore and, more recently, the Swedish environmental research foundation Mistra.