End of February, AREVA invited German teachers from all the elementary schools in and around Offenbach to attend an advanced training course on the subject of “Energy and Electricity Production”. The goal of this training is to provide teachers with teaching material on how to organize exciting lessons on the subject, while familiarizing the participants with child-oriented didactics for scientific topics.
The AREVA German teams engaged the services of trainers, who explained how to use practical experiments to convey the scientific aspects of the subject of electricity. The teachers soon became really enthusiastic and confident enough to tackle various topics related to energy and electricity in this manner.
At the end of the training session, every attendee received an official advanced training certificate, and every school involved was also given a “research case” containing various materials. Thanks to incandescent lamps, lamp sockets, cables and rod magnets, the teachers will be able to integrate all the experiments directly into their lessons.
Two such courses were organized by AREVA in Offenbach, with a total of twenty teachers from nine different elementary schools attending.