Decision to no longer publish quarterly financial information

Press release

AREVA has decided not to publish quarterly financial information anymore, as authorized by stock exchange regulations (article L. 451-1-2 IV of the French Monetary and Financial Code, modified on December 30, 2014), because this information is not relevant to the scope of its continuing operations.

In fact, in view of the adoption of IFRS 5, the main operating activities of AREVA - “NewCo [1]” , “New NP [2]” and AREVA TA - are now classified as operations sold, held for sale or discontinued, and no longer contribute to the group's consolidated revenue.

Remaining within the scope of the continuing operations are the OL3 project, for which revenue is no longer recognized since the first half of 2013 in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 32 of IAS 11, and the bioenergy business, whose operations are being phased out.

Appointment of two new AREVA SA directors

The Board of Directors decided to submit the candidacies of Marie-Solange Tissier and Florence Touïtou-Durand to the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on May 18 for their appointment as directors recommended by the French State. 

[1] NewCo is the temporary name of the entity which combines all of the operations of AREVA related to the nuclear fuel cycle, whose legal name is New AREVA Holding.

[2] New NP combines the operations of AREVA NP, excluding the OL3 contract and the means necessary for its completion, and, as applicable, certain component contracts affected by serious anomalies which might be identified in connection with the quality audit in progress, the majority control of which is to be ceded to EDF.


