Contract COGEMA / ANSTO: authorizations and official agreements

Press release
As COGEMA Group Chairperson Anne Lauvergeon indicated in a recent interview with the French regional newspaper "Presse de la Manche", the Company is publishing the official memorandums attesting to the legality of the reprocessing operations being performed by COGEMA-La Hague on ANSTO spent fuel. The decision to publish the memorandums conforms with COGEMA's policy of transparency.

The above-mentioned documents can be found in the following pdf files:
Correspondence with the DSIN (Directorate of Nuclear Installations Safety)
Correspondence with the DGEMP (Directorate General of Energy and Primary Materials)
Intergovernmental Agreement

Please also see the following press releases:
14 March 2001: Ship carrying spent nuclear fuel scheduled to arrive in Cherbourg
9 March 2201: A spent fuel shipment from Australia to Arrive Soon at Cherbourg