AREVA wins the 2005 edition of the Prix Cristal for financial transparency

News brief

AREVA receives an award for its financial communications.

AREVA has been awarded the Prix Cristal 2005 for financial transparency (for compartment B: medium capitalization). The trophy was presented at a ceremony held in the Palais Brongniart on April 6, 2006.

The Prix Cristal is awarded to companies whose financial communications are in line with best practices through the tools used (annual report, web site, financial advertising, press releases, etc.). The selection criteria also include other non-financial aspects such as risk management, sustainable development, and innovation and research.

Nine companies were short-listed by the jury. The readers of "La Tribune" and "Investir", two French financial publications, and listeners to Radio Classique were then asked to vote for the three winners: AREVA (compartment B), Air Liquide (compartment A), Solucom (compartment C). Given the changes in the regulations and accounting standards, this is a highly valuable indicator for the financial community and public shareholders.