AREVA signs agreement for third clean energy park project

Press release

AREVA, the province of New Brunswick and the utility New Brunswick Power, have signed a letter of intent to develop a clean energy park near the Point Lepreau nuclear station (Canada). The project represents the third clean energy park in the world that would be developed by AREVA.

The site would feature a mid-sized generation III+ nuclear plant and renewable energy sources all built by AREVA. Power from the park would be used domestically in the province and exported to the Canadian Maritime region and to New England (USA).

 “This is an important agreement for AREVA as it further validates the relevance of the clean energy park concept to build new CO2-free energy facilities.” said Jacques Besnainou, CEO of AREVA Inc. “It is also the recognition of AREVA’s expertise and the reliability and effectiveness of our technologies.”

AREVA is working on similar developments near Piketon, Ohio (USA) with Duke Energy and Fresno, California (USA) with FNEG.

The group is developing two mid-sized generation III+ reactors: the 1,250 megawatt KERENA™ boiling water reactor and the 1,100 megawatt ATMEA1™ pressurized water design. AREVA also offers a broad portfolio of renewable energy solutions.

  • AREVA Press Office:
    Julien Duperray / Katherine Berezowskyj / Aurélie Grange / Jérôme Rosso 
    Tel: +33 1 34 96 12 15 - Fax: +33 1 34 96 16 54

  • AREVA Investors Relations:
    Manuel Lachaux
    Anne-Sophie Jugean
    Tél : +33 1 34 96 11 53