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Today, in Europe, more than one person in eight suffers from a brain or spinal chord illness (paraplegia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, etc.), and this poses a serious public health problem.
In view of this situation, the AREVA Foundation decided to renew its support to the Institut du Cerveau et de Moelle épinière (ICM) specialized in research in the fields of neurobiology, neurophysiology and the cognitive and therapeutic sciences.
The AREVA Foundation financed the acquisition of a neuro-navigation system for the neuro-imaging platform, dedicated to TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) protocols. This system allows to integrate, for each volunteer, MR anatomical images of its brain into a TMS experience. It provides a 3D imaging facility that allows an optimal choice for identifying TMS targets (e.g. motor areas)