AREVA Foundation: supporting families with a hospitalized child

News brief

In France, one out of two children is hospitalized before the age of 15.

For these children, and for their parents, a stay at the hospital is often synonymous with anxiety, solitude and distress.

AREVA Foundation has strengthened its support to families with a hospitalized child through:

  • a new partnership for two years (2012-2013 and 2013-2014), with the association Docteur CLOWN. Created in 1995 in Lyon, Doctor CLOWN brings laughs, colors, magic, stories and music to hospitalized children;
  • a renewed partnership with the association Théodora, to continue its actions in the orthopedic surgery and intensive care units of Robert Debré hospital, Paris.

Moreover, AREVA Foundation keeps providing financial aid to the associations Joue-moi de la musique and Tête en l’air that respectively offer musical performances for hospitalized children and accompany the families of children undergoing neurosurgery.