AREVA Corporate Foundation: two new partnerships in health

In brief

AREVA Corporate Foundation approved two new projects in the health field for 2014, one with the university hospital of Nîmes (CHRU) and the other with the Brain and Spinal Cord Institute (ICM).

The Foundation is working with the CHRU to supply two “high fidelity” interactive mannequins, a pregnant woman and her newborn baby, to the university hospital’s multidisciplinary medical simulation center, whose trainers will devise scenarios with them to reproduce complex situations. The mannequins will be used for training in gynecology and infant medical emergencies.

AREVA Corporate Foundation has partnered with the ICM since the latter's creation. It funded the acquisition of a neuronavigation system in 2012 to reconstitute the brain three-dimensionally by combining anatomical images with brain function. The Foundation is providing support to a three-year brain research project (2014-2016) using the neuronavigation equipment it funded.
The goal of the project is to develop a therapeutic alternative to surgery for essential tremor, a disease that causes daily motor difficulties, based on transcranial stimulation with alternating current.