Following the last AREVA Foundation Board of Directors meeting, eight projects were selected involving group employees who volunteer in an association.
The primarily educational projects benefit disadvantaged children and are being deployed in Niger, India and France during the 2014/2015 school year.
The projects consist of:
- the construction of a boarding school in Niamey – Niger – APPUIS (Association POur Promouvoir et Unifier des Initiatives Solidaires)
- the construction of a new classroom in a nursery school in Arlit – Niger – SAHEL
- the renovation of two buildings (insulation and facilities) in a school in Zanskar – India – AAZ (Aide au Zanskar)
- the construction of two classrooms in a center to re-educate children from the Untouchables cast (Dalits) – India – Frères d’espérance
- the development of a multimedia educational software program for deaf children – France – Centre Expérimental Orthophonique et Pédagogique
- support for a program to promote vocational discovery and a window on the world for young people from rough neighborhoods – France – Proxité
One of the projects, which supports Electriciens sans frontières encompasses the fields of education and health: it supplies materials and equipment for access to electricity and water to a dozen schools and health homes as well as the construction of wells and water towers in the Maradi region (Southern Niger).
The final project was a cultural one involving support for music education workshops for children with learning disabilities, together with the Andéol association (France).
Detailed information on each project will be provided after a formal agreement is reached between the AREVA Corporate Foundation and the associations represented by the employee winners.