AREVA Corporate Foundation: doctors' training on the malaria in Niger

In brief

On November 15, the Center for Medical and Health Research of Niger (CERMES) awarded diplomas to 14 Nigerien health professionals, among which 13 doctors coming from various regions of the country, thus validating two weeks of specialized training on malaria.

The awards ceremony was held in the presence of a CERMES’ Director, a formative doctor in the National Hospital of Niamey and an AREVA representative in Niger.

This is the second academic course held with support from the AREVA Corporate Foundation, which has aided the malaria research efforts of Institut Pasteur led by CERMES since 2012 in two specific areas:

  • education, via the organization of courses on malaria at CERMES
  • research on resistance to antimalarial treatment and the genetic diversity of Plasmodium falciparum* in Niger.

The head officer of this 2nd training course wished to thank the AREVA Corporate Foundation, the CERMES, the Ministry of Health and all the trainers who made possible this program: "thanks to you, we acquired new knowledge on the malaria and have from now on more assets to fight against the disease".

Another session of this course was held in October 2012 and attended by 14 people.

*Plasmodium falciparum is a parasite, one of the species of Plasmodium that cause malaria in humans.

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CERMES project