Vigipirate Attack Alert: As part of the intensified Vigipirate plan, you must be able to prove your identity to the security department on the day of the General Meeting. It is imperative that you have a form of identification and your admission card, if you have requested it.
To participate in the meeting, the shareholders may decide between the following options:
a) attend the Shareholders’ Meeting in person by requesting an admission card;
b) participate remotely by giving a proxy to the Chairman or any other natural or legal person of his or her choice; or
c) return the mail-in ballot
The shareholders wishing to attend the Shareholders’ Meeting in person may request an admission card in the following conditions:
- registered shareholders automatically receive a convening notice which notably includes a voting proxy form. He or she must complete such voting proxy form, stating that he or she wishes to attend the Shareholders’ Meeting and receive an admission card, and then return the voting proxy form signed, using the prepaid envelope attached. The shareholder may go directly to the desk set up for this purpose on the day of the Shareholders’ Meeting, with proof of identity;
- bearer shareholders must request an admission card from the authorized intermediary who manages his or her securities account.
A shareholder unable to attend the Shareholders’ Meeting may cast his vote by correspondence, by sending a proxy form to the Chairman of the Shareholders’ Meeting, or by being represented at the Shareholders’ Meeting by any legal or natural person of his/her choice in the conditions set forth by applicable laws and regulations:
2.1 Voting by using the voting proxy form
- registered shareholders must send the completed voting form attached to the convening notice using the prepaid envelope attached;
- bearer shareholders must request the voting form from the authorized intermediary who manages his or her securities account. Such request must be received by the authorized intermediary six days before the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting at the latest. The completed form, together with the certificate of participation issued by the authorized intermediary must be sent to the following address: Société Générale - Service des Assemblées - CS 30812, 44308 Nantes Cedex 3.
In order to be valid, the voting forms must be received by Société Générale - Service des Assemblées three days before the Shareholders’ Meeting at the latest, i.e. May 15, 2017.
There will be no provision for voting by means of telecommunication at this Shareholders’ Meeting and therefore no website as provided by article R. 225-61 of the French Commercial Code will be created to this end.
2.2 Appointment/dismissal of a proxy
The shareholder having elected to be represented by the proxy of his/her choice may notify such appointment or dismiss the proxy in the following conditions:
- by regular mail sent either directly as regards the registered shareholders, or by the authorized intermediary as regards the bearer shareholders, to Société Générale - Service des Assemblées - CS 30812, 44308 Nantes Cedex 3, or
- by email, in accordance with article R. 225-79 of the French Commercial Code, to the following address:, bearing an electronic signature obtained from a trusted third-party certifier in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and stating the names, first names and addresses of the shareholder and the proxy. For the bearer shareholders, the notification must be sent together with the certificate of participation issued by the authorized intermediary.
In order for the notifications of appointment or dismissal of proxies sent by electronic media to be valid, confirmations for the appointment or dismissal must be received by Société Générale - Service des Assemblées the day before the Shareholders’ Meeting at the latest at 11:00 am, Paris time. The notifications sent by registered mail only must be received at the latest three days before the Shareholders’ Meeting, i.e. May 15, 2017.
- Avis de réunion de l’Assemblée Générale Ordinaire du 18 mai 2017 paru au BALO le 12 avril 2017 (French only)
- 2016 Reference Document (pdf)
- Articles of Association (updated by the General Shareholders Meeting of 3 February 2017 / pdf)
- Total number of existing voting rights and shares (pdf)
- Formulaire de vote par correspondance ou par procuration (pdf - French only)
- Rapport des Commissaires aux comptes sur le rapport du Président du Conseil d'Administration (pdf - French only)
- Rapport des Commissaires aux comptes sur les comptes annuels 2016 (pdf - french only)
- Rapport des Commissaires aux comptes sur les comptes consolidés 2016 (pdf - french only)
- Board of directors' report on the resolutions submitted to the ordinary general meeting of 18 May 2017 (pdf)
- Attestation des Commissaires aux comptes sur le montant global des rémunérations des 5 personnes les mieux rémunérées (pdf - french only)
- Attestations des Commissaires aux comptes sur le montant global des actions de parrainage et de mécénat (pdf - french only)
- Communication des Commissaires aux comptes faite en application de l'article L. 823-12 du code de commerce (pdf - french only)
- Release of documents and information regarding the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of AREVA of May 18, 2017
- Avis de convocation publié au BALO du 28/04/2017 (pdf - French only)
- Notice of meeting - Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting - May 18, 2017 (pdf)
- Rapport spécial des Commissaires aux comptes sur les conventions et engagements réglementés (pdf - French only)
- Reporting on the votes (pdf)