Visit of Luc Oursel to Niger

Press Release

Following yesterday’s attacks to the Somaïr mine site, Luc Oursel, the President and CEO of AREVA, has travelled to Niger today in order to meet with AREVA’s colleagues and representatives of the Nigerien government.

“I would like to express my solidarity with those who have been wounded and wish to pay tribute to our colleague who passed away at Somaïr.
I salute the courage and professionalism of all of our colleagues, at Somaïr, Cominak, Imouraren, and at Niamey, who make the cooperation between France and Niger a reality. I pass along to them the many messages of support that I have received on behalf of AREVA. Today, in face of this ordeal, my visit here is a testament to the strength of our engagement in Niger.”

  • AREVA Press Office:
    Julien Duperray / Katherine Berezowskyj / Aurélie Grange / Jérôme Rosso 
    Tel: +33 1 34 96 12 15 - Fax: +33 1 34 96 16 54

  • AREVA Investors Relations:
    Manuel Lachaux
    Anne-Sophie Jugean
    Tél : +33 1 34 96 11 53