Using one’s skills to volunteer within communities

An AREVA employee teaching a course for young Nigerians

The AREVA Foundation has decided to guide group employees in their volunteer involvement with associations or development projects.

Pairing AREVA employees with associations
Pairing AREVA employees with associations

There are 14 million volunteers in France, working for 1 million associations. 30% of these volunteers are salaried employees, and their desire for involvement is remarkable.

This is why the AREVA Foundation has decided to help guide group staff in their volunteer choices, facilitating their involvement.

The AREVA Foundation aims to facilitate access to information for staff, to advise them, and to put them in touch with associations. The Foundation selects associations which can guarantee serious work and responsibility, and offer a variety of volunteer missions appropriate to the diversity of skills found within the group.

Two types of projects for involved staff
Two types of projects for involved staff

This diversity corresponds to 2 principal modes of involvement:

  • Taking part in a development assistance mission in a southern hemisphere country to lend guidance to locally run projects. The AREVA Foundation is providing employees with the opportunity to take part in solidarity mission during their vacations, with the support of the french Planete urgence association, in countries where the group is located.
  • Putting professional and personal skills at the disposal of associations who have expressed needs

The AREVA Foundation is thus the link between staff seeking ways to become involved and the associations in need of support.

Each year, the Foundation organizes one or more "volunteer encounters" at AREVA sites within France. These are informational events and exchanges between associations and volunteers. If staff members find an association that matches their profile, they have the opportunity to make a concrete commitment.